

Marma science is a part of Vedic science and the word Marma (vital area) was first used in Atharva Vedam. ‘Marma’ is a Sanskrit word meaning hidden or secret. Marma means vital points, of the body having totipotent qualities. During vedic periods marma was known to the kings & warriors. It was applied to hit & achieve maximum fatal response against their enemies & this science was used as a war medicine or surgery. The development of this science took place from Saraswathi culture to the time period of Charaka, Susrutha & Vaghbhata later on it got spread to the neighbouring countries like China & Japan. Knowledge of marma exists from very ancient time of Vedas, dating back to 4000 BC. Marma science was developed by Physicians & Surgeons of Vedic period to prevent death &treat people suffering from Trauma. Warriors usually targeted important Marmas on the bodies of enemy to inflict maximum damage. Physicians & surgeons used the same knowledge to heal these wounds or diseases.
In Ayurveda, Marma points are treated as points of vital life force. When imbalances block the movement of free-flowing energy in the body, the resulting stagnation leads to physical and mental discomfort and disease. A professional therapist isolates the Marma points and cleans them out by increasing the blood flow to the affected part of the neuro-muscular junction stimulating the body’s biochemistry to produce neurochemicals and hormones that heal.

Marma points are the seats of life. They are also the sites where not only Tridosa (Vata,Pitta,Kapha) are present but their subtle forms, Prana, Ojus (soma),&Tejas are also present with sattva, rajas &tamas. Hence these are specific areas on the body which has relation through Pranic channel to various internal organs. Marmas, some of them if injured can produce death or can cause various diseases which are difficult to cure. Hence these marma points are divided into 1.Therapeutic areas, 2.Lethal areas. Marmas are junction of body & mind &they are also important pressure points on the body much like the acupunture points of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Susrutha the father of Indian Surgery (2000 BC) recognized the presence of 107 marma points. Out of that 19 points cause immediate death,33 points cause death after a specific period of time,3 points cause death after the removal of the foreign body,44 points cause loss of function(disability) of particular parts of the body & 8 points causes intense pain.

According to Marma Sastra these points are invisible but could be traced or located at point where body,mind and psychic energies are concentrated together. Marma is nothing but blockage of energy(Vasi) in the body. In short as to side of a coin, we can both Harm & Heal a person with the knowledge of Marma points. For example: A patient with Periarthritis of a shoulder joint can be relieved from the symptoms within minutes if Kshipra, Bahvi, Amsam, Amsaphalaka&AdhipathiMarma points are used wisely.

Therapeutic marma
This massage done under the strict supervision of a Marma specialist helps cure various ailments that originate due to energy vitiation of Marma points in the body. It is useful for the conditions like periarthritis, frozen shoulder, low back ache, general body weakness, tingling sensation in the finger tips and toes, numbness of extremities, muscular aches etc.

Generalised marma

A massage concentrating on revitalizing Marma points, there by rejuvenating mind and body. It helps relieve you of stress and anxiety and lack of energy. This treatment is performed by skilled and well trained therapist.

Marma science is a part of vedic science and the word Marma(vital area) was first used in Atharvavedam. ‘Marma’ is a Sanskrit word meaning hidden or secret. Marma means vital points, of the body having totipotent qualities. During vedic periods marma was known to the kings & warriors. It was applied to hit & achieve maximum fatal response against their enemies & this science was used as a war medicine or surgery. The development of this science took place from Saraswathi culture to the time period of Charaka, Susrutha&Vaghbhata later on it got spread to the neighbouring countries like China & Japan. Knowledge of marma exists from very ancient time of vedas, dating back to 4000 BC. Marma science was developed by Physicians & Surgeons of vedic period to prevent death &treat people suffering from Trauma. Warriors usually targeted important marmas on the bodies of enemy to inflict maximum damage. Physicians & surgeons used the same knowledge to heal these wounds or diseases.

In Ayurveda, Marma points are treated as points of vital life force. When imbalances block the movement of free-flowing energy in the body, the resulting stagnation leads to physical and mental discomfort and disease. A professional therapist isolates the Marma points and cleans them out by increasing the blood flow to the affected part of the neuro-muscular junction stimulating the body’s biochemistry to produce neurochemicals and hormones that heal.
Marma points are the seats of life. They are also the sites where not only Tridosa (Vata,Pitta,Kapha) are present but their subtle forms, Prana, Ojus (soma),&Tejas are also present with sattva, rajas &tamas. Hence these are specific areas on the body which has relation through Pranic channel to various internal organs. Marmas, some of them if injured can produce death or can cause various diseases which are difficult to cure. Hence these marma points are divided into 1.Therapeutic areas, 2.Lethal areas. Marmas are junction of body & mind &they are also important pressure points on the body much like the acupunture points of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Susrutha the father of Indian Surgery (2000 BC) recognized the presence of 107 marma points. Out of that 19 points cause immediate death,33 points cause death after a specific period of time,3 points cause death after the removal of the foreign body,44 points cause loss of function(disability) of particular parts of the body & 8 points causes intense pain.

According to Marma Sastra these points are invisible but could be traced or located at point where body,mind and psychic energies are concentrated together. Marma is nothing but blockage of energy(Vasi) in the body. In short as 2 side of a coin, we can both Harm & Heal a person with the knowledge of Marma points. For example: A patient with  of a shoulder joint can be relieved from the symptoms within minutes if Kshipra, Bahvi, Amsam, Amsaphalaka&AdhipathiMarma points are used wisely.