Panchakarma (Shodhana Chikitsa) Body Purification Therapy

The Panchakarma is the most significant treatment for purification and detoxification in Ayurveda. Panchakarma is a process of purifying the whole body to attain proper balance of Vatha, Pitha and Kapha (Three body humors). Panchakarma encompasses five therapies: Vamanam (Induced vomiting), Nasyam (Nasal medication), Virechanam (Induced purgation), snehavasthi (Oil enema), kashayavasthi (Decoction enema) and Rakthamoksam (Blood letting). These five therapies collectively help remove deep routed stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the three Doshas (energies that govern all biological functions). The treatment involves daily massages and oil baths, herbal enemas and nasal administrations. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for maintaining mental and physical hygiene and balance. Pancakarma is basically a bio-cleansing regimen which facilitates the body system for better bioavailability of the pharmacological therapies, besides achieving homeostasis of doshas. It also increases the acceptability of the body to various dietary regimens and use of rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana) for promoting health as well as for therapeutic regimens. These therapies help in the elimination of disease causing factors and maintain the equilibrium of body tissues (Dhatus) and humours (Doshas).
Advantages of Panchakarma:
- Detoxification, functional optimization of enzymatic complex, restoration of pre-morbid condition, immune-modulation, rejuvenation etc.
- It eliminates the metabolic wastes and toxins.
- It cleanses the macro & micro channels in the body.
- It helps early repair of tissues and improve nourishment & tissue perfusion.
- It prevents early aging and relaxes both body and mind.
- It increases the bioavailability of drugs and excretion of unwanted substances.

Panchakarma therapy is performed in 3 stages
Preparatory procedures that help the body discard the toxins present in the stomach and tissues and help facilitate the toxins to move to the alimentary canal.
Main treatment which is designed as per each individual’s needs like Vamanam (Induced vomiting), Nasyam (Nasal medication), Virechanam (Induced purgation), snehavasthi (Oil enema), kashayavasthi (Decoction enema) and Rakthamoksam (Blood letting).
Post treatment care includes the diet regimen and the other dos and don’ts.
Snehapanam (internal oleation)
The Snehapanam (internal oleation) is a preparatory procedure for Panchkarma therapies. The effectiveness of the Panchkarma or the purification therapies depends upon the proper mobilization of humors (Doshas) from the periphery (Śākhā) which is to be achieved through this treatment. The therapy involves oral intake of medicated or non-medicated ‘Sneha’ or oil. Snehapanam is done in the morning after attending to the calls of nature, on an empty stomach. The dosage will depend on the health, age, diagnosed illness and digestive capacity of the patient. The treatment lasts between five and seven days depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated.
Virechana is one type of Sodhana (Purifactory) therapy. Virechanam cleanses the Pitta and purifies blood by clearing the toxins from the body. The treatment concentrates on the toxins that are accumulated in the liver and gall bladder and the gastro-intestinal tract. In Virechanam, the vitiated Doshas are eliminated through the rectum. The treatment is given in the morning after the person is given the “Snehapanam” and “Swedanam” for internal lubrication. The person is then given a certain prescribed dose of herbal medicines on an empty stomach. Within 1 to 2 hours, the bowels are emptied expelling all accumulated toxins with it. Virechanam is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, skin ailments, gout, splenic disorders, ulcers, IBS, gastritis, intestinal colic, headaches, asthma, indigestion, gynaecological disorders, hypertension and stress related ailments.

Nasyam is an important treatment for any discomfort in the head region. Nasyam is one among the 5 panchakarma (Purifactory) therapy. Nostrils are considered the doorway to the brain. It is a process by which the medicated oil is administered through the nostril, followed by a medicated gargle and herbal smoke. It is the only procedure which can directly influence the sense organs. Nasya karma gives oleation sudation and purifying effect simultaneously.Very effective for treating sinusitis, throat diseases, chronic colds, migraine, cervical spine disorders, sleep disorders, hormonal imbalances, paralysis, psychological disorders, eye and ear ailments, premature greying of hair, loss of smell and taste and even can add clarity to the voice.
Snehavasthi-Oil Enema
Snehavasti is one among the five classical detoxification programme (Panchakarma) and specially recommended for Vata disorders. Medicated oils or ghritams are used to administer an oil enema, which nourishes and lubricates the body. The main seat of Vatadosha is the Pakwashaya (large intestine); therefore Vasti, the medicated oil enema, is the main therapy for all Vata disorders such as constipation, neurological ailments, paralysis, flatulence, lower backache, gout, and rheumatism.
Kashayavasti – Decoction Enema
In Kashayavasti, a herbal decoction made of honey, rock salt, medicated oil and herbs is administered through the anal route. A massage with warm herbal oils is given before the treatment. The treatment is administered as per prescribed dosage under supervision. The body dispels all toxins with the faecal matter. This treatment is particularly helpful in curing gastric and neurological disorders, acidity, acute and chronic aches, headaches, migraines and other degenerative disorders. It is a very effective detox and weight loss procedure.
Jaloukavacharanam-blood letting
The characteristic feature of leech is that it only sucks the impure blood from the body. In conditions like painful cracked heels or soles and palms due to excessive dryness, headache due to vitiated pitta, some skin diseases, swelling in various tissues or joints, pain due to contused wound where blood capillaries get ruptured and the blood gets accumulated under the skin resulting in pain. Leeches are usually used where the cause of pain lies in blood tissue. The moment the impure blood is sucked out the pain disappears.